Come create with us!
Our MAKE IT! series is back. Thursdays from 5 to 8 p.m. we offer awesome activities in Fulton's Workshop. Each will have a focus or theme, but you can also come and explore the workshop if that week's activity isn't up your alley. Alternate activities include micro:bit hands-on, our new Lego Wall, cardboard construction, magnet wall challenge, wind tunnel and many more. Come on in and we'll show you around!
Come explore hands-on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) projects for all ages!
We want to:
Create a fun interactive learning environment
Emphasizes imagination and creativity
Make curious and thoughtful learners
Come at any point to participate.
Free for museum members | Regular admission rate for non-members
* Additional costs will always be noted
Make It! Schedule
September 5: Mobile Sculptures Have you ever seen a mobile? These mobiles hang from the ceiling and are usually made up of layers of rods and objects attached with strings. You may wonder how it can stay balanced all the time even when it is moving in the air. You’ll make your own mobile sculpture and find out how it stays balanced.!
September 12: Leaf Rubbings An autumn favorite. We’ll gather some leaves, paper and crayons and watch as the leaf designs seem to magically appear. You can use this leaf-rubbing art in other fall decor, accents and cards.
September 19: PVC Pipe Music Come play our newest installation — recycled material instruments.
September 26: Haunted House Workshop Open workshop to collaborate on your ‘historic haunted house’ to enter in our annual competition.
October 3: Haunted House Workshop | Girls Who Code Open workshop to collaborate on your ‘historic haunted house’ to enter in our annual competition. Learn about 'Girls Who Code' -- a computer science program for girls 3rd grade and up to build coding skills and community as they complete projects.
October 10: Wearable Electronics Whether you design a patch from scratch or start with one readymade, adding LEDs to a patch really lights things up. With needle, conductive thread, LEDs, and a power source you can transform accessories or clothes into wearable electronics.
October 17: » Spooky Shadow Puppets Make shadow puppets and put on a spooky Halloween show! Shadow puppets aren’t just for sunny days. They’re great fun indoors, too.
October 24: Pepper's Ghost Create an illusion that dates back to Victorian times. Pepper's ghost is a technique used in the theatre where an image of an object off-stage is projected so it appears to be in front of the audience. The illusion is widely used for entertainment and publicity purposes.
October 31: » It’s Alive! Recycled Robots Make a really cool recycled robot collage or a full 3-D robot! All you need are recycled materials (we have plenty) and your imagination. You'll find inspiration everywhere in Fulton’s Workshop.